What if you were seriously injured or too ill to communicate? Would your family know what kind of medical care you would want? Who would make decisions about your care?

Planning ahead can be a gift to you and your family. Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to convey your wishes to others ahead of time. Carefully considering your options and then establishing advance care directives — before the need arises — helps your family and healthcare team know how to make medical decisions on your behalf, in keeping with your preferences and values.

At LewisGale, we encourage you to put your directives in writing and bring a copy with you when coming to the hospital for surgery, a procedure or inpatient stay. If you already have an advance directive, you must provide a copy to LewisGale for your requests to be followed.

Advance Directive Forms

You’ll find Advance Directive Forms and information on how to use them free of charge on the Virginia State Bar website.